Browse and preview site structure
When the page is selected in the tree pane the page is previewed in a frame. By right-clicking you can access common functions such as edit or delete. You can also reorganize pages dragging them to the new location.
Edit page details
The content on a page is managed through a simple form that is generated by the CMS. N2 supports different types of pages defined through code by a developer. It's easy to add properties on a content type and decorate them with attributes to choose which web control will perform the editing. TinyMCE editor is included with N2 but any editor will work.
Organize parts on a page
Parts on a page can be moved around on the page. One of the benefits of using a CMS like N2 is that content is treated homogeneously. Whether it's a page, teaser or a configuration item that is never displayed it can be moved, deleted, sorted, copied, exported and all the other operations that you might expect.
File manager
A simple file manager is included.
Create new item
N2 has an integrity system that allows control over which types of items may be created below which. There are a few templates included in the templates project.
Trigger happy?
Fortunatly there's a trashcan plugin that intercepts deletes and throw the items in a trashcan instead. A helpful thingie that might avoid a few disasters.
Export & import items
For moving information between installations or just some offline backup. The export file is a zipped xml file.
Old versions are stored for later reference and republishing.
Preview changes
Besides versioning the system supports previewing changes before publishing and store a version without publishing it and continue working on it later.
For links within the site there's a window where the page can be picked from the hierarchy.
Content item != page template
Many situations don't require a full blown page template. The poll sidebar item in the templates project is an example of a user controls whose content is edited separately from the page it's added to.
The question field is an example of a specialized detail. It creates new sub-items representing the question and the answers when the box is checked.
Add parts to a page
Most of the time it's easier to handle content through the edit page interface. Parts though are more easily dropped onto a location on a page.