

- moved old wiki code to add-on
- moved tab panel to separate add-on
- changed administer icon in control panel
- added eye to edit (shows preview)
- removed the eye from templates
- allow drag'n'drop parts in ASP.NET MVC views
- disabled fallback controller from N2 Extensions (breaking change)
- changed content item name in mvc example
- restored GettingItemTemplate event on zone for backward compatibility
- autodecect database flavor
- fixed problem with language association remaining on copied items
- introduced tagging to templates
    - deployable as addon
    - drag tags between categories
    - allows multiple tag categories
    - show tags on page (tag box)
- de-obsoleted Zone.AddedItemTemplate event (but not Zone.GettingItemTemplate)
- introduced filter extension methods for single item: item.FilterByAccess, item.FilterByNavigation
- copied esteewhy's IsRecycled extension method
- applied esteewhy's #22318: ContentItem.CloneDetails tries to access CLR properties by ContentDetail.Name
- added displayable to editable drop downs and dates (obsoleted n2.templates.details.dropdownattribute)
- updated tiny mce to
- no text in editable (free) text no longer adds literal to the control tree
- added relative-positioned div around text in templates
- components added to medium trust engine are created lazily
- test speedup and cleanup
- added DB2 database flavor
- introduced IDocumentBaseSource
- applied maqdev's #21922: Can't set non string TinyMCE configuration value
- fixed #22070: Set DropableZone.Path property at runtime
- fixed #21941: Calendar issue...
- introduced the editable date attribute
- applied dgelbaum's #22068: DatePicker Bug
- removed deprecated js files from edit (#22089)
- applied smason's #21482: Issue creating ContentItems with non default public constructor
- applied zokizlatanov's #22135: macedonian translation
- applied #22141: Sortable ItemEditorList and Sortable AvailableZoneList
- fixed #22143: SEO module keywords and title allowed string length are very short...
- applied #22071: Minor bug in ContentProfileProvider
- refactored n2 javascript context (to remove window.top dependency)
- introduced ConventionTemplate for convention template location
- friendlier exception when searching for undefined types
- added configuration schema (web.config intellisense)
- applied maqdev's #21904: Russian localization update (
- fixed #21916: ContentItem.Url returns path from site root, not from the application root
- fixed extension always added to new wiki articles
- added image resize and link to full size on wiki
- fixed reversed height width for image adapter
- fixed MVC database session close


- fixed issue with action templates
- fixed issue in register control
- added configurable removal of plugins
- fixed problem saving version when using MySQL
- added RestrictChildren attribute
- refactored refiner API and introduced ordering between them
- fixed installation glitch when same root and start page
- made table prefix configurable (multiple sites, same database)
- applied esteewhy's #21759:Enable unique CSS styles for items of N2.Templates.Web.UI.WebControls.Menu control
- updated splitter code for chrome compatibility
- applied esteewhy's #20090315-n2-templates-image_handler-fix_query_with_slashes.patch
- applied esteewhy's #20090317-n2-edit-DirectoryCompiler-generalise_for_css.patch
- fixed #21736: MaintainPostbackUrl.browser breaks event validation
- fixed #21735: Preserving URLs of an existing site?
- fixed unable to drag and drop in the lefthand tree
- made page query string key changeable
- added the observeAllExtensions option
- renamed the aspect controller concept to content adapters
- fixed #21648: Tiny mce problems (removed fancy toolbar)
- updated MySQL.Data.dll (sent by )
- applied #20614: getting error when running Deploy_Everything-vs2008.bat
- fixed #21689: Image Gallery problem on shared hosting Title is required

N2 1.4.5

- made image resize handler configurable
- changed image resize handler so it doesn't upsize images
- made N2.Web.UI.ContentPage non-abstract
- moved start page template to ui/views folder
- fixed #21620: Url Extensions removed (allow . in name)
- fixed #21048: Languages and Recursive zones
- applied eteewhy's patch #21592: ImageAdapter cannot process Image.ImageUrl with a reference to Templates' Image handler
- fixed #21530: EditableChildren With FreeTextArea Display Issue
- upgraded nunit to 2.5 (alpha3)
- applied mikekidder's patch #21559: MVC sample - global.asax.cs update
- html editor usability tweaks
- applied estewhy's patch #21390: Enable AttributeTargets.Assembly for ControlsAttribute
- Added Engine property on master page
- removed content item's ability add itself to the container (now done by the aspect controller)
- introduced IAddablePart to enable content item to zones
- updated jquery ui to 1.7
- updated tinymce to to 3.2.2
- moved templates' recursion into a parts aspect controller
- fixed #49484: removed telerik assemblies from type finder
- introduced an event broker to lessen dependency on httpapplication
- added edit aspect controller
- added parts aspect controller
- added request aspect controller
- added aspect controller concept (external manipulation of certain aspects)
- made the drag'n'drop nicer
- upgraded jQuery to 1.3.2 and jQuery.UI to 1.6rc6
- removed FileManager and it's events (implement custom IFileManager)
- removed postbacks from control panel (mvc support)
- fixed #21454 Error with .In<>(params T[] values) operator...
- added a more programmer friendly api for file operations
- fixed #21443 Time picker localization (en-US)
- applied esteewhy's patches:
    #20810 Enable Request Validation with TinyMCE (with modifications)
    #21312 Check if ~/bin folder exist before trying to load assemblies in AppDomainTypeFinder
    #21170 Delete command causes delay on large sub-items tree
    #20817 Replace cookies.js with jquery.cookie.js
- display unpublished version quicklink icon on control panel
- hide translations when no access to their language
- applied esteewhy's patch #20900: Control localization availability without deleting a corresponding StartPage
- fixed #21121: items copy/paste error (Validation of viewstate MAC failed)
- renamed [TabPanel] to [TabContainer] and [FieldSet] to [FieldSetContainer]
- applied jemerick's patch: #20468 RouteActionResolverAttribute giving issues with versioning in MVC
- fixed #20941: cannot add custom routes
- Deprecated the [RouteActionResolver] attribute
- removed views code behinds
- updated to MVC RC
- applied esteewhy's patch: #20735 Generalise [EditableDropDownAttribute] to support all System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControls descendants
- created unit tests for detail collection and fixed an infinite recursion bug
- applied jemerick's patch: #20465: DetailCollection IndexOf does not return the correct value
- updated jquery to 1.3.1
- applied esteewy's patch: #5 ContentDetail.ToString() may throw NullReferenceException if not initialised
- applied esteewy's patch: #4 [WithEditableName(Required = true)] causes an exception on render
- fixed #20508: Problem with urlcache and multiple sites
- fixed #20490: Show list when multiple events one day
- added linq-inspired cast<T> to itemlist
- removed requirement on AvailableZone and introduced AllowedZones.AllNamed
- fixed #20250: Don't delete translated pages by default
- fixed #20440: Error when you add a webpart to gallary page
- updated visual studio item templates
- removed requirement to use [RouteActionResolver] on asp.net mvc content items
- tweaked control panel
- introduced static singleton
- introduced static request item accessor
- fixed doubled parts
- import ignores missing definitions
- item controller extension point
- saved some tests as unicode
- wrapped versioning and save in a transaction (against NonUniqueObjectException)
- upgraded NHibernate to 2.0.1

N2 1.4.4

- better wrongclassexception handling
- tweaked file system UI
- better date picker localization
- applied smason's patch: routing
- tweaked mvc routing
- updated syntax mvc beta
- changed the way extensions are removed before parsing
- applied esteewhy's patches:
   - install-fix_root_id
   - serialization-fix_date
- removed addons from core output
- refactored tab panel scripts
- control panel plugin model
- resize control panel icons
- auto-hide drag-drop button when no zones
- edit interface javascript compiler now checks file extension in plugins folder (#20050)
- deprecated service editable subsystem (configure user controls instead)
- itemdatasource sorting
- Aborting N2.Edit.FileManagement.Filemanager events by throwing ApplicationException is handled in the UI
- Can delete files with non-alphanumeric characters
- configurable name editor and server side validation
- fixed scheduler registration in medium trust as suggested by Nigel
- applied esteewhy's patches:
   - Top: fix relative urls
   - UrlParser: fix organize root
   - Url: fix case sensitive urls
- master page ui tests
- first incarnation of ui tests
- applied maqdev's patch: File Manager: issue with virtual directories
- allow deletion of file folder including sub-directories
- moved wiki into an add-on
- applied esteewhy patch: "Update wiki pages to reflect changes in templating"
- fixed exception using actinlink without a current content page
- make move to trashcan the last operation
- added url caching
- fixed problem with required datepicker
- moved IWebContext LocalUrl & HostUrl into Url.LocalUrl and Url.HostUrl
- fixed dependency error in SEOPageModifier initialization (medium trust)
- applied esteewhy's patch: Enabling multiple tab groups in item editor
- regex template finder
- changed Url handling of empty input
- updated add-on catalog to use new template definitions
- updated wiki to use new template definitions
- multiple templates per content item (refined by subsequent path segment)
- attribute based template definition
- worked around weirdness in file manager on IE7
- fixed bug with preview-publish of parts
- removed N2.Templates conflicts with CssFriendly
- option to rewrite regardless of existing files or not
- applied esteewhy's patch "Unnecessary manual addition of Validator" + fixed test
- applied mzalewski patch (export/import across locales)


- applied maqdev's patch: Tiny MCE interface language must be the same as N2 editor Title is required
- upgraded tinymce to
- fixed add-on catalog not recognizing add-on creator
- removed culture=auto from settings page
- fixed TitleAndMetaTagApplyer causes exception Title is required
- fixed problem saving pages with references to files
- added addon sample
- added addon catalog
- fixed wiki part


- fixed here and there for templates' master page to work with no current page
- updated dutch translation (MartijnRasenberg)
- updated russian translation (maqdev)
- added fix for problem with MVC example in virtual directory problem
- fixed problem redirecting to install database page
- fixed problem with no upload folders when medium trust
- changed nhibernate property access to property (may solve "Attempted to access a field that is not accessible by the caller")

N2 1.4.3

- introduced language root as a lightweight start page
- added option to more easily configure components
- multiple sites are updated as content changes
- added russian translation (maqdev)
- added dutch translation (MartijnRasenberg)
- changed default database caching mode to false
- rearranged persistence code slightly and moved event argument classes
- improved existing and added more property snippets
- added GetDetail overload with default value
- added caching to rss aggregator
- applied patch to medium trust engine: missing TreeSorter registration
- applied patch DateRange control can only be used once per form
- applied patch EditableEnum
- fixed editableenum to work in more scenarios
- better multi instance support, sites may work better in isolation
- mvc preview 5
- fixed globalization right click bug
- moved n2.templates into wwwroot and merged with n2.templates.ui
- better support for multiple upload folders
- support for site-unique upload folders
- unassociate translations
- add comments functionality
- improved parts usability
- recursive items in droppable zones can only be managed through the containing page
- removed timestamp from nhibernate mapping
- added zones to templates project
- fixed problems using administrative interface with chrome
- moved obsolete parts to n2.templates.obsolete
- error handling on linktracker
- more explanative exception when throwing is denied
- removed strange iis7 workaround (needs more test)

N2 1.4.2

- included jet driver
- exception when accessing control panel components
- fixed problem previewing versions
- removed test detail on text page
- refactored nh session disposal
- database support for scheduler (requestcontext -> adaptivecontext + webrequestcontext + threadcontext)
- refactored iwebcontext
- url support for extension
- [NotVersionable] support
- wiki
    - external link name
    - Same target, different name: San Francisco also has [[public transport|public transportation]].
    - Image: [[Image:wiki.png]]
    - Image: [[Image:wiki.png|Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.]]
    - Image: Upload
    - Security lift: Can display version
    - wiki defaults to textarea instad of freetextarea (configurable)
    - parses newlines in wiki text
    - formatting: ''italic'', '''bold''', '''''bold italic'''''
    - show only articles in search results
    - wiki supports nested content in lists
    - unordered lists (*, **, ***)
    - ordered lists (#, ##, ###)
    - create template
- containers may now be secured without securing each contained editables
- containers can now be secured by either user or role name
- n2/edit/tinyMCE config section
    - enable=false tinymce
    - settings key value collection
    - moved edit edit.editorCssUrl -> edit.tinyMCE.cssUrl
- enabled iframe for tinyMCE editor
- trash handler now notifies the world through events
- added error handling for exceptions during move,copy,delete,save to the edit interface
- start added IAutoStart components
- changed the way database integrity is checked
- allowed to multiple sites to reference different root nodes
- configuration support for observed extensions
- deal with unmapped types (fix page)
- fixed linking to email in multiple host scenario
- increased toolbar buttons click area
- updated dutch translation
- tinymce 3.1.1
- configurable additional nhibernate mappings
- changed medium trust initialization
- configurable rewrite method (None, RewriteRequest, TransferRequest)
- nhibernate 2 GA
- templates css housekeeping

N2 1.4.1

- error handling with email option
- format option on display property
- fixed problem when using traditional castle section
- globalization:
- show items on other language branches
- associate translations
- upsized free text editor
- select pages when navigating in preview
- separator
- languages in right-click menu
- wiki part
- syntax
- fragmenters and renderes: external link, heading, internal link, template, text, userinfo
- wiki template plugins: actionparameter, allarticles, latestarticles, linkfromparameter, search
- ui
- configurable write authorization
- configurable default extension
- children of thrown items are expired
- configurable output cache
- duration etc.
- don't cache authenticated users
- invalidate on content changes
- filters += pipes
- editor roles configuration
- added profile provider
- iactivecontent: overrides persistence
- node based file tree
- create, rename, move, delete folder
- upload, rename, move, delete file
- configure allowed upload paths
- updated mvc example to asp.net mvc preview 4
- editable enum drop down
- scheduling support
- keepalive scheduled service
- rss aggregator (templates)
- node based file tree
- friendlier (no) error when no write access
- refactored
- plugins
- removed PlugInAuthorizedRolesAttribute
- nh configuration builder
- renamed n2.web.ui.page -> contentpage
- renamed n2.web.ui.usercontrol -> contentusercontrol
- moved project n2.templates.survey -> n2.templates.ui
- moved configuration for output caching n2.templates -> n2
- moved namespace n2.globalization -> n2.engine.globalization
- moved namespace n2.mediumtrust -> n2.engine.mediumtrust
- moved namespace n2.parts -> n2.web.parts
- moved installer configuraiton -> <edit><installer... (update web.config)
- utility.toabsolute -> web.url.toabsolute
- can now explicitly set roles + improved usability (thanks to Geert van Horrik)
- components are now started after plugin initialization
- added login page property on start page (templates)
- deprecated installermodule
- moved layout declaration to web.config
- IIS7 configuration
- fixed problem when using email

N2 1.4

- templates
    - login part
    - register part with email verification
    - consolidated a gazillion projects into N2.Templates.UI
    - gallery images are now easier to edit
    - refactored the UI code (more stuff into the master page)
    - moved corporate & n2cms menulevel handoff to skin file
    - template multiple site start page now uses wildcard mapping
    - breadcrumb is not displayed on start page
    - switched default database to sqlite
- edit
    - updated tinymce to 3.0.9
    - installer can update web.config
    - removed "edit parent"
    - globalization interface moved into n2.edit
    - option to only export defined details
    - option to exclude attachments from export
    - consolidated a few edit modules: N2.Edit.* -> N2.Edit
- bugfixes
    - editable roles can now add/remove roles
    - fixed changes through membersihp provider not beeing persisted
    - fixed check connection on install screen
    - fixed old web.config reference
    - fixed item sorting when pages intermixed with items
    - fixed item selector navigating as well as selecting
    - fixed installer module not redirecting as it should
    - replaced AnyBrowser with genericmozilla5.browser
    - fixed context menu double right click bug
    - get translations now filters by access
    - items outside of sites when multiple sites now get a working url
    - ie7 name updates more often
- core
    - removed some obsolte code: CloseSessionModule, IDataItemContainer, NavigationPlugInAttribute, PlugInAttribute, ToolbarPlugInAttribute, UrlRewriterModule
    - rearranged the solution hopefully making it simpler and more understandable
    - moved sorting into a service
    - moved build scripts to trunk root
    - upgraded to rhino mocks 1.5
    - improved installation experience
    - page authorized roles are now inherited to new child pages
    - upgraded jquery to 1.2.6
    - reverted to configuration section based approach
        - host section
        - engine section
        - database section
        - installer section
        - edit section
    - introduced a host concept to partially replace and abstract site
    - tweaked name editor
    - changed web control Path behaviour "/" -> "~/" (breaking change)
    - option to disable globalization (localize content: /edit/globalization/default.aspx)
    - changed authorized roles to lazy
    - added the NotThrowable attribute which should be treated as expected
    - site wildcard mapping and per site settings
    - added a workaround that prevents a mandatory database hit when getting start page
    - plugin exceptions are assembled and re-thrown
    - nhibernate 2.0 a2

N2 1.3.5

- edit
    - scroll screen when reaching edge (tree + drag&drop)
    - improved contextmenu
    - remove templateurl from default viewed page
    - updated with dutch translation from martijn
    - added mediumtrust configuration generator
    - removed tabular navigation
    - tinymce to 3.0.8 (fixes problem with headings in the editor)
    - installer now lists .gz files in /app_data to use as content
- core
    - moved n2.mediumtrust -> n2
    - moved some embedded scripts to /edit
    - friendlier urls without * mapping (iis 5)
    - changed url parsing
    - changed and improved the medium trust engine
    - removed requirement to configure item types in medium trust
    - remove requirement of virtual methods
    - refactored the toolbar plugin model
    - added edit page toolbar plugin attribute
    - upgraded to nhibernate 2 alpha
    - updated mvc examples for current release
    - moved control over edit mode filtering to edit manager
    - introduced new globalization functionality
    - moved items may not be inserted instead of appended when last items have a high sort order
    - option to keep the name updated
    - added a disable definition attribute
- modules
    - localization overview & control module
- templates
    - add notfound page config to start page
    - search filters with navigation filter
    - fixed social bookmarks xhtml compliance
    - implemented content globalization in the templates
    - new theme: corporate
    - some parts are now allowed in more zones
    - new theme: n2cms
    - changed the image gallery
    - new part: tabs
    - news list in content area
    - consolidated syndication and seo libraries into temlpates.dll
- bugfixes
    - fixed wrong preview url when changing item name
    - names are now actually validated against ?
    - toolbar buttons hints
    - part isn't set as current page instead of page under certain circumstances
    - ajax tree respects item filter setting
    - fixed nameditor update problem in IE
    - changed edit styles to avoid fieldset position relative bug in ie7
    - fixed wicked styles in the tree when ie6+7
    - fixed item selection when venturing into ajax updated regions
    - css fix expired items

N2 1.3.4

- engine
    - option on displayable to swallow exceptions
    - StartPage expression builder
    - HasValue expression builder
    - HasValue control
    - Display control now features header and footer templates
    - default sitemap provider can be configured to disable security trimming
    - exception from the security enforcer can be cancelled by the use of an event
    - versions of an item lists the published item's children (and parts)
    - installermodule - checks database connection on start
    - tweaked the tree & link implementations
    - removed CurrentData from the parts template base class (use CurrentItem) (potentially breaking change)
    - current page is injected on the template during acquire request state
- edit
    - preview changes
    - translations: toolbar buttons, user editor
    - updated dutch translation
    - improvements on the preview workflow
        - publish directly from preview changes/collapsable preview frame
    - improved installation experience
    - new treemenu: lazy load with ajax
    - added /edit/install/fix.aspx for more direct database access
    - improved installer hints on item definition
    - new top toolbar design
    - select current frame in toolbar
    - tweaked edit design
    - Sort pages from buttons on the toolbar
- examples
    - included multiple domains example
- templates
    - moved menus and top part into the layout (alternative to parts)
    - changed themes
    - added check for theme and layout existance before applying theme
    - added constants for zones and tabs
- bugfixes
    - url selector now displays items if the url doesn't seem to be a file
    - url selector now more correctly selects items on other sites
    - multiplehosts url parser doesn't throw up on urls to external sites, really!
    - create/edit parts through the edit interface
    - fixed image with no src displayed from displayable
    - fixed remove file selected for upload in certain browsers
    - editabletextbox now considers rows definition
    - fixed edit version link from version list

N2 1.3.3 

- edit
    - upgraded to jquery 1.2.3
    - upgraded draggables & droppables
    - filemanager expand to action
    - upgraded timymce to 3.0.1
    - added dutch translations (thanks to MartijnRasenberg)
    - moved security module into edit
    - moved versions module into edit
- engine
    - option for multiple sites when medium trust
    - replace non unicode (Ascii option on name editor)
    - find items through their "Path"
    - replace parent definition attribute
    - replace definitions attribute
    - definition attribute is now required
    - upsized title editor
    - added some hints around name editor
    - moved n2.parts into n2.dll
- bugfixes
    - fixed datepicker loosing time
    - user container isn't created until a user is
    - worked around problem with templates IsInRole not working correctly
    - problems with empty names on parts when medium trust
    - remove <, > when using name editor
    - css copy warning
    - filemanager upload ie6 css
    - fixed edit mode localization
    - fixed url parser not generating working urls for items outside the startpage
    - fixed security editor not updating navigation tree on changes
- templates
    - form: multiple selection option
- solution
    - prepared some build files

N2 1.3.2

- engine
    - changed the abstracteditable attribute (breaking change)
    - moved nhibernate mappings to a single file
    - simplified configuration of alternative mapping file
    - changed the settings functionality to work without castle
    - upgraded nhibernate to 1.2.1
    - autoinitialize attribute for plugin initializers
    - changed casing on plugin (breaking change) and other micellanious tweaks
    - localizable editables, containers, definitions and zones
- edit
    - added save unpublished version to editing workflow
    - added a divider container (hr)
    - upgraded tinymce to 2.1.3
    - help system for details
    - widened and beefed text size in tinymce html text editor
    - edit children shortcut
    - save permissions recursively
- templates
    - added a SEO facility (adds SEO fields to page types)
    - moved some operations on the page to a "page modifier" component
    - moved some item types to the UI project
    - new tabs theme; khaki, pink, sky, tomato
    - new urchin tracker version
    - smtp now allows user and password
    - form radio buttons can now be displayed horizontally
- bugfixes
    - fixed an error in the parts sliding panel related to resource paths
    - themes defined in web.config breaks edit
    - fixed settings in medium trust example
    - required on editabletextbox now actually works
- modules
    - items moved out of trash are not unexpired
    - items moved into trash are now expired
- drag&drop
    - panel maintains openedness 

N2 1.3.1

- documentation & programmability
    - page & item templates with definition and view
    - moved examples to n2 solution
    - added parts example
- engine
    - copy items without name to same location
    - changed name from n2.factory to n2.context
    - fallback to recreate engine to recover from failure during initialization
    - edit, create and delete from control panel
    - get urls to edit mode, new and delete
    - switched jquery to minified (was packed)
    - anonymous tweaks
    - changed name of item attribute to definition attribute
    - used discriminator instad of type in link to edit new item
- drag&drop
    - sliding control panel
    - framed editing
    - can now copy itmes using ctrl+drag
- edit
    - replaced context menu
    - can now drag&drop copy items with ctrl key
- templates
    - simplified poll part usage
    - added adapter to maintain postback url
    - tweaks
    - added credits
    - google analytics
    - social bookmarking
- bugfixes
    - relative image urls on versions interface
    - fix copied item beeing persisted even the name was occupied
    - fixed updatesortorder not beeing called when saving items
- tests
    - exception asserts

N2 1.3

- edit
    - drag&drop items
        - rearrange items
        - add new items
        - edit existing items
        - delete items
        - move nested items
        - security check
    - upgraded jquery to 1.2.1
    - javascript changes
- engine
    - introduced n2.mediumtrust
    - introduced n2.parts
    - changed getdefinition from type name to discriminator
    - moved the ajax request handler to the n2 assembly
- bugfixes
    - fixed test connection
    - name editor validates invalid characters
    - querystring parameters are appended to rewrite path
    - fixed item selector error when wrong path
    - file upload in internet explorer
    - applied fix to problem with multiple child editors (thanks akrosoft)
- templates
    - minor tweaks
    - two column item
    - text item
    - random image item
    - above zone

N2 1.2.5

- engine
    - definition refiner:
        - allowed children
        - restrict parents
        - available zones
        - allowed zones
        - ...
    - assembly applicable IntegrityMapping attribute
    - flag on the item attribute to mark types as eligible for root or start page
    - changed discriminator from namespace to class name (breaking change)
    - created tree helper
    - created link helper
    - filters
        - composite filter
        - navigation filter
        - published filter
        - visible filter
    - css class on editable image
    - upgraded castle components to rc3
    - various tweaks and comments
- edit
    - updated and improved the installation experience
    - upload export file during installation
    - changed treeview control
    - added small tellers on new, expired or secured items
    - multiple file upload
    - upgraded
        - jquery 1.1.4
        - tiny mce 2.1.2
- templates
    - a darkish striped theme
    - rss feeds and syndicatable items
    - customized forms
- bugfixes
    - displayables through the display control now supports postbacks
    - fixed editablechildren
        - unsaved containing item -> exception
        - adding child items to new item
    - saving data item when not displaying items hides tree
    - support tinymce editors in a hidden tabs
    - expand to current in edit mode even though not displayed

N2 1.2.4

- engine
    - a new importer/exporter
        - handles relations
        - compression
        - binary attachments
        - skip root import option
    - item finder
        - count
        - in
- edit
    - added a wizard plugin
    - tweaked ui
    - lesser scripts and style sheets
- templates
    - horizontal + vertical menu
    - event calendar
- bugfixes
    - fixed empty published in with editable published range
    - the currentitem expression builder can now be used on the page template
    - insert before and after now works again
    - style tweak
    - error finding type with a discriminator with item finder
- modules
    - add location to wizard
    - tweaked trashcan

N2 1.2.3

This release contains many tweaks of the main engine and an interesting template project with out of the box functions for: start and content pages, image gallery, news archive, site map, search, faq, polls membership- and role providers, skinnable interface. 

- engine
    - item.published is now nullable (database changes)
    - added some hooks for saving an unpublished version of an item
    - tweaked definitions
    - reorganized persistence classes
    - added editable attributes to edit more items at once
        - EditableItem attribute: edit item referenced by a property
        - WithEditableChild attribute: edit child item with a certain name
    - added the option to query on item types when using the finder
    - abstraction for client editable services properties (similar to editable stuff)
    - a simple date picker with editable attribute
    - moved updating, saving and versioning from item editor control to edit manager service
    - details
        - added a editable link, and made it displayable
        - added an editable image, and made it displayable
        - made the editable item displayable (pages -> link, nonpages -> loads user control)
    - switched addchild to addto on the content item
    - made an inheritable FindGeneric for strongly typed access to start and root pages
    - created a hierarchy construct
    - resource registration helper
    - on page editing (v 0.2)
        - display/edit control
        - control panel
    - added more options to the editable text box
    - another overload for finder's filter
    - removed ContentItem.Definition
    - reworked definitions
    - the persister now updates sort order when saving items
    - option to disable versioning
    - moved versioning to a version manager
    - option to disable plugins
    - upgraded castle components
    - moved event handling functionality of security and integrity into "enforcers"
    - new filters
        - page filter
        - inverse filter
    - moved more functionality into the content item
        - IsAuthorized
        - Add user control in zone
    - tweaked the way non-page item data is resolved during loading
    - tweaked link tracker
    - removed old finders
    - changed name of persister
    - moved responsibility of traversing children when parsing urls to the content item
    - editors no longer have full access
- edit
    - changed the order of versions to changed instead of expires
    - moved out versioning functionality to separate project
    - changed the way delete works when right-clicking
    - improved new item editor interface
        - choose wether to create before, one level down or after
        - choose zone
    - tweaked styles
    - changed login screen
- bugfixes
    - fixed bug in integrity manager not finding name clashes
    - fixed an escaping problem in the item selector when having ' in an item's name
    - fixed problem with Find.Parents
    - fixed file selector selecting folders and closing
    - itemdatsource onfiltering now takes place even if there are no filters
    - fixed potential problem with page names and many dots (.)
    - fixed name editor not handling multiple illegal characters
    - fixed iconurl and virtual paths
    - fix edit unpublished version
    - item finder can now find all items including versions without where
    - virtual directory fix
- modules
    - splitted trashcan plugin into two projects and moved it
- more fleshed out templates
    - framework
        - skinnable
        - runtime layout change
        - menu
        - path
        - first layout
        - item icons
        - image resizing
        - display current page toolbar button
    - start page
    - text page
    - redirect
    - simple image gallery
    - simple news archive
        - news page
        - news list
        - sidebar news part
    - simple site map
    - database search
        - filter by parent
    - faq
    - basic statistics
        - latest changes
        - number of visitors
        - number of pages
    - control panel
    - teaser
    - poll
    - added the structural page interface
    - membership- and role providers

N2 1.2.2

This release brings a right click menu with a plug in system for customization, a parent item filter, security manager allows customization of roles and users for editors/administrators and a newer version of tinymce. Also tweaks of the api, the edit interface and some bugfixes. 

- engine
    - plug in system for right click menu
    - added an overload for setdetail that removes the detail when it's equal to the default value
    - improved the definition model to allow greater inheritance and wrote some tests
    - removed items allowed only in zones not to show up when creating new item from the tree
    - changed the AllowedParentsAttribute to use an enum instead of boolean
    - added a parent item filter
    - typefinder api tweaking
    - added optional properties to the security manager for changing admins and editors
- edit
    - now uses jquery.treeview for treeview
    - right-click menu
    - moved localized texts to global resources
    - toggle setting of info and zones is remembered
    - updated tinymce to
- bugfixes
    - now it isn't as easy to delete stuff in the file cabinet
    - fixed error with itemeditorlist and new items
    - edit editable checkbox style sheet fix
    - fixed error with urlrewriter where unknown path gave exception instead of 404
    - fixed urlparser so it can handle hashs
    - fixed item's expiry date is set when restoring versions

N2 1.2.1

Many minor tweaks, an interesting approach to finding items (look at N2.Find.Items...), an "editablechildrenattribute" to edit child items through the parent items edit interface, some bugfixes, mbunit as test framework, updated language example with zone example. 

- tests
    - switched to MbUnit
    - sped up tests through fixture setups
- engine
    - tweaked mappings: access=field
    - ensureBinFolderAssembliesLoaded now defualts to true
    - added type caching to AppDomainTypeFinder
    - finder 2.0
        - fluent syntax
        - find properties
        - find details by name and value
        - find details by value
        - find details in collection
        - support brackets
        - order by
    - EditableChildrenAttribute (add & edit & delete items in zone)
- edit
    - fixed search navigation (uses finder api)
- bugfixes
    - fiexed issue with configuration of optional assembly names in type finder
    - applied patch suppllied by Michele, url rewriter hides custom query strings
    - available zones are inherited
    - tab panel forgets current tab upon postback

N2 1.2.0

Major refactoring of the core classes were made for this release (some breaking changes) . Castle's IoC container is now used to resolve dependencies and the functionality (which is mostly the same) has been splitted into smaller classes.

If you've been using v1.1.x you will need to update configuration, change calls to the rewriter class and probably some other things as well. Look at history.txt for a longer list of changes and at upgrade.txt for help upgrading. 

- engine
    - moved to castle windsor container for dependency injection
        - removed the configuration classes
        - moved configuration to windsor style xml
    - broke out model finding functionality into separate classes
    - broke out nhibernate persistence mechanism into separate classes
    - changed the plugin initializer interface
    - moved nhibernate persistence classes to a separate namespace
    - replaced urlrewritermodule and sessionclosermodule with a single initializer http module
    - changed the way items gets their dependency on url rewriter and definition manager
    - removed the IUrlRewriter interface (breaking change)
    - moved url parsing functionality into separate class (use Factory.UrlParser)
    - introduced a sites provider concept and fixed absolute urls to other sites
    - introduced a site concept and deprecated the multiplesiterewriter
    - added a request life cycle handler and further abstracted the http context from certain services
    - tried to optimize item mappings to reduce database traffic for common situations
    - cleanup

N2 1.1.10

In this release the editable functionality has been improved and there is a new container concept along with a fieldset and a tab container. The association site example has also been prettied up a bit. 

- engine
    - editor container concept
        - fieldset container
        - tab panel container
    - included an editable checkbox attribute
    - included an editable name attribute
    - included an editable title attribute
    - refactored the editable functionality (breaking changes on the EditableAttribute)

N2 1.1.9

Updated edit mode with the jQuery JS framework, a splitter and some other minor improvements. Added danish translation. Added a plugin to help track links in html text. Updated tinyMCE to the latest version. Fixed a few bugs. To get started see examples on version 1.1.5 or a site example on version 1.1.8. 

- plugins
    - link tracker plugin
- edit mode
    - splitter
    - display page info (type) when editing
    - revamp, improve and make the edit mode java scripts object oriented
        - jQuery
    - updated tinyMCE to 2.1.0
    - danish translation (thanks sten j)
    - changed icons
- bugsquashing
    - fixed an issue with detail deletes not cascading
    - fixed a possible issue with deleted files and new folders beeing selected

N2 1.1.8

This release features a new way of configuration, configurationless plugin initialization and the first version of a finder. Also, NHibernate is upgraded to 1.2 CR and a nasty bug was squashed. Oh, almost forgot, now included is a real site that can help understand more about N2 usage. 

- engine
    - new configuration using a configuration sections
        - section handler
        - xsd file for intellisense
    - a brand new plugin initializer
    - a fist version of the finder
        - find items by default properties
        - find items by details
        - sorting results
- bugfix
    - fixed a bad mistake in the security manager's authorize request handler
- tests
    - configuration
- other
    - nhibernate 1.2 CR

N2 1.1.7

- engine improvements
    - added a configuration option to select specific assemblies to be loaded at startup
    - added an option to explicitly load assemblies in bin folder making sure these are loaded even at application restarts
    - replaced static relationship to factory on contentitem dynamically set at creation
- documentation
    - more code comments
- bugfix
    - fixed a possible issue with the name editor and & or / in the title
    - replaced a confusing exception from the name editor when no title editor is defined.
    - fixed an issue with unicode characters and the item & url selectors
    - removed url encoding of the url property
    - fixed an issue with the tashcan plugin that could be created manually

N2 1.1.6

- engine improvements
    - upload defaults to ~/upload
- plugins
    - xml writer/reader
        - write xml tree
        - read xml tree
        - serialize objects with base 64
- edit mode
    - upgraded tinymce editor to 2.0.9

N2 1.1.5

- plugins
    - trashcan plugin
- bugfix
    - fixed an issue with allowedchildren & move

N2 1.1.4

- engine improvements
    - added a duplicatefilter
    - changed the names of the item reference on details and detailcollection to EnclosingItem
    - worked on the relationfinder to decrease the number joins
    - cleanup
    - evolved the home-baked DI mechanism somewhat to decrease coupling
- tests
    - more tests, better code coverage
- documentation
    - updated the model    view
- bugfix
    - resolved a problem with allowedchildren

N2 1.1.3

- engine improvements
    - url rewriter now handles more characters in a page name & name editor acts accordingly
    - some cleanup
    - some changes to improve testability and make it work without a http context
    - unit tests for persister
- bugfix
    - fixed a problem occurring on web site projects that caused url rewriting to stop working
    - improved replaceversion behaviour into somethig more sane
- other
    - nhibernate 1.2 beta 3

N2 1.1.2

- engine improvements
    - persister.relationfinder class (used to find relations between items)
    - details in a collection get the same name as the collection
- bugfix
    - couldn't delete previous versions
    - exception in the wrong place when using an invalid path in the zone control (now it gracefully ignores it)

N2 1.1.1

- engine improvements
    - implement allowed children as well as allowed parents
    - item list move enumerator to subclass
- imrove edit mode
    - improve html for detail groups
    - display referencing items when deleting
- bugfix
    - Any global resource file caused a crash in edit mode
    - Added fix to sorting in tabular navigation (thanks viktor)

N2 1.1

- engine improvements
    - detailcollection feature
        - modify content detail
        - database & mappings
        - create
        - delete
        - modify
        - made it work with versioning
            - cloning
            - save version
            - re-publish previous version
    - link feature
        - list outbound
        - list inbound
        - delete orphaned links
        - make it work with versioning
    - displayableattribute -> idisplayable used by editabletextboxattribute and editablefreetextareaattribute
    - zone control path
    - reorganized and specialized exceptions
    - reworked editable concept
        - split into user control attribute
        - give the attribute the responsibility of creating editors
        - removed the detaileditor control
        - changed DetailName -> Name
        - changed DisplayName -> Title
    - implemented granular permissions
        - toolbar plugins
        - detail editors
        - item types
- edit mode
    - globalization
        - english localization
        - italian localization
- bugfix
    - savedby is actually updated
    - thighter zone constraints - cannot create an item in a zone where it isn't allowed
- misc
    - changed length on detail string value to get varchar(max) in mssql

N2 1.0.35:

- engine improvements
    - changes in how assemblies are investigated
    - some some cleanup in persistencemanger
    - configurable editor css file
    - the itemeditor only sets detail values once
    - the itemeditor now retrieves values from definition manager
    - the modification of editors is moved to the editor modifier attribute. This should open for more advanced applications when overriding the attribute.
    - new option to get children based on type
    - added a filter concept and some filters
        - access filter
        - count filter
        - type filter
        - zone filter
    - added a couple of events that can be used to interact with with the factory.
    - added a parameter that can be used in objectdatasources to access content data
    - implemented detail groups = cluster
- bugfix
    - replace version, fixed a bug leading to extra details beeing left in the database
    - sorting in table navigation
    - fixed a problem with url rewriting and permissions (user isn't logged in at begin request)

N2 1.0

- engine improvements:
    - Focus editor option on editable details
    - Updated nhibernate references to 1.2 beta 2
    - Objectdatasource
        - select, update, delete, insert
        - events
        - children data source view
        - query data source view
    - Moved intantiating of managers/providers to factory static constructor
    - Harmonized initialization arguments
    - DisplayableLiteralAttribute
    - Moved IsAllowed to security manager
    - Updated security manager with IsAllowed, IsEdtor and IsAdmin
    - Editable options required and regular expression validation
- edit mode improvements
    - Option to use old sql parser instead of SMO in diagnose.aspx
    - Sorting in tabular navigation
    - Changed icon and tooltips for hierarchical navigation
    - Search "navigation"
- bugfix
    - Caught an exception when logging in whithout membership tables
    - Select the same item in the toolbar and in the navigation when saving or moving, etc
    - Fix in diagnose.aspx, it seems like referenced assemblies are checked as soon as we enter a function (SMO is not always availble)
    - Added scrollbars when opening file selector through FreeTextArea
    - Persister.List now considers parameters after the first
    - Fixed a problem with the NameEditor and it's comparison
    - Fixed a problem with replaceversion causing problems when republishing versions
    - Security manager actually works
    - Fixed sorting with non-page items
    - Fixed exception when editing parent after editing via table or search

N2 1.0 rc2 

- engine improvements
    - option to databind editors/display
    - options to disable security
    - cancellable persistence operations
    - multiple host rewriter can now find pages on other N2 sites
    - most providers/managers are hidden behind interfaces
    - EditableUrlAttribute
- edit mode improvements
    - gave the page a somewhat lighter look
    - refresh script only updates frames
    - splitted file manager and like selector
    - configurable first navigation and preview pages
    - url&item selectors can now link to items on other sites
- bugfix
    - exception when trying to find items when strange urls (sometimes noticeable in the file selector) 

N2 1.0 rc1

- engine improvements
    - non-dynamic user control base class
- edit mode improvements
    - new & inproved url selectors
    - tooltip on items available for new item
    - new items are actually sorted
- bugfix
    - absolute urls in text editor

N2 0.29

- engine improvements
    - transition to item definitions
    - manager contructor moved to initialize function for ease of configuration

N2 0.28

- engine improvements
    - level 2 cache (objects) - through nhibernate
    - Predefined editable attributes: textbox and freetextarea
    - displayable attribute & display control
- imroved edit mode
    - make some extra attempts to initialize treeview links 

N2 0.27

- engine improvements
    - security/roles
    - membership pages (uncomplete)
    - better expression builders

N2 0.26

- library improvements
    - multiple templates for content items 

N2 0.25.1

- imrove edit mode
    - item versions
    - allow virtual path for toolbar plugins
- create new item bugfix (0.25.1)

N2 0.24

- editmode improvements
    - table navigation plugin improved
- library improvements
    - all executing assemblies (except known patterns) are now investigated
- examples
    - simple examples are now available without library project

N2 0.23

- förbättra editläge
    - ibland väljs inte sidorna riktigt när man klickar på dom (mysko)
        - delay när länkarna görs om med javascript, kolla om man tydliggöra vilka som är klara att klickas
    - diagnose sidan förbättrad
    - plugin options
    - leta efter toolbar plugins i alla assemblies
- bugfix
    - kan ej skapa dataitem via högerfliken
- snippets & templates
    - the detail property snippet included

N2 0.22

- snygga upp i träsket
    - extenda abstrakt klass
    - DoubleDetail
- förbättra editläge
    - mozilla filupload
    - toolbarknappplugins
    - navigeringsplugin
        - snygga till
        - flytta till frame
        - tabelläge
- bugfix
    - NameOccupiedException visar samma på båda
    - Bara 1 HasEditableAttribute möjlig

N2 0.20

snygga upp i träsket
    - integrity via events
    - HasEditable för att regga properties som inte finns på aktuell klass
    - Ta bort Rewriter.Rewrites.Clear() från Save
    - Flytta session
    - integrity via events
    - förenkla page/data relationen
    - flytta isär till två httpmoduler
- bugfix file selector
- fixa så att en overridad url funkar

N2 0.18

- snygga upp i träsket
    - hitta en balans mellan factory, persistance och urlrewriter
    - fixa multipla hosts
    - fixa rewritesCache
    - olika detailtyper int, datetime, string, bool...?
- förbättra editläge
    - masterpage för sidor i framen
    - relayout

N2 0.1 - 0.17

- fixa så att template med QS hittas av sitemapprovidern
- ta bort IItem
- förbättra editläge
    - klickbara ikoner på sub-data-items
- rätta bugg med flera dller
- fixa så att contentitems inte behöver ha hbm.xml
- httpmodule som alternativ till att ärva global
- loginsida
- ta bort Factory.CurrentData
- datafactory -> factory
- integrity
    - filtrera på zonename när man kommer via sida
    - integritetshanterare
- expandera trädet till vald nod
- edit sparaknapp
- fixa så att man kan sätta properties på editorer
    - EditorModifierAttribute
    - GetConverter
- dynamiska userkontroller med Item data (a la webparts)
    - runtimeparametrar till site map provider
    - kontrollera när dataitems visas i trädet
    - schysstare editeringsgränssnitt
    - zoneväljare
    - datalager
    - zone kontroll
- förbättra editläge
    - filväljaren är ful & tråkig
- filhanterare
    - fixa problem med ej valbara filer (zip, m.m.)
    - ta bort filer
- flytta ihop urlskapningen och urlparsandet (mer coupling, hmm)
- events
- VirtualPathUtility/ResolveUrl
- få det att funka med virtella kataloger
- få det att funka med web site projects
- en vettig template web
- snygga upp editläget
- itemtyper editnamn
- system för vilka sidor som får finnas under vilka
- ta bort getvalue & setvalue
- usercontrol som redigerare
- hantera sidor utan url
- hantera stackobjekt som är null
- sidor vs. dataitems
- förbättra editläge
    - edit css
- upload av filer
- diagnostics page
- log in to edit mode
- validering
- texteditor
    - tiny mce
        - infoga bild
    - utvärdera freetextbox, tinymce, fckeditor
- urlrewriting
- namespace
- expressions
- tweaka objektmodellen
    - session per request
- connection string a la 2.0
- flytta&kopiera