Packages |
package | Reports |
Classes |
class | AnalyticsAccountInfo |
| Holds data about a Google Analytics account. More...
class | GenericEntry |
| Defines a generic report entry. More...
class | ReportRequestor |
| Gets reports from Google Analytics API. More...
Enumerations |
enum | Dimension {
browser = 0,
browserVersion = 1,
city = 2,
connectionSpeed = 3,
continent = 4,
countOfVisits = 5,
country = 6,
date = 7,
day = 8,
daysSinceLastVisit = 9,
flashVersion = 10,
hostname = 11,
hour = 12,
javaEnabled = 13,
language = 14,
latitude = 15,
longitude = 16,
month = 17,
networkDomain = 18,
networkLocation = 19,
pageDepth = 20,
operatingSystem = 21,
operatingSystemVersion = 22,
region = 23,
screenColors = 24,
screenResolution = 25,
subContinent = 25,
userDefinedValue = 26,
visitorType = 26,
week = 27,
year = 28,
adContent = 29,
adGroup = 30,
adSlot = 31,
adSlotPosition = 32,
campaign = 33,
keyword = 34,
medium = 35,
referralPath = 36,
source = 37,
exitPagePath = 38,
landingPagePath = 39,
pagePath = 40,
pageTitle = 41,
affiliation = 42,
daysToTransaction = 43,
productCategory = 44,
productName = 45,
productSku = 46,
transactionId = 47,
searchCategory = 48,
searchDestinationPage = 49,
searchKeyword = 50,
searchKeywordRefinement = 51,
searchStartPage = 52,
searchUsed = 53,
customVarValue1 = 54,
customVarValue2 = 55,
customVarValue3 = 56,
customVarValue4 = 57,
customVarValue5 = 58
} |
| Enumeration of analysis dimensions.
enum | Metric {
bounces = 0,
entrances = 1,
exits = 2,
newVisits = 3,
pageviews = 4,
timeOnPage = 5,
timeOnSite = 6,
visitors = 7,
visits = 8,
adCost = 9,
adClicks = 10,
CPC = 11,
CPM = 12,
CTR = 13,
impressions = 14,
uniquePageviews = 15,
itemQuantity = 16,
itemRevenue = 17,
transactionRevenue = 18,
transactions = 19,
transactionShipping = 20,
transactionTax = 21,
uniquePurchases = 22,
searchDepth = 23,
searchDuration = 24,
searchExits = 25,
searchRefinements = 26,
searchUniques = 27,
searchVisits = 28,
goal1Completions = 29,
goal2Completions = 30,
goal3Completions = 31,
goal4Completions = 32,
goalCompletionsAll = 33,
goal1Starts = 34,
goal2Starts = 35,
goal3Starts = 36,
goal4Starts = 37,
goalStartsAll = 38,
goal1Value = 39,
goal2Value = 40,
goal3Value = 41,
goal4Value = 42,
goalValueAll = 43
} |
| Enumeration of report metrics.