Classes | Enumerations

Package N2.Web.UI.WebControls


class  DragDropControlPanel
class  A
class  ControlPanel
 A control panel for on page editing. The control displays buttons for start editing and saving changes. More...
class  CurrentItemParameter
 A parameter used to retrieve content data for data sources. More...
class  DatePicker
class  DateRange
class  Display
 Control used to display content on a web forms page. The control will look for an attribute implementing IDisplayable on the property referenced by the PropertyName on the display control. More...
class  DraggableToolbar
class  DroppableZone
 A control that displays items in it's zone and supports rearranging of the items via drag and drop. More...
class  EditableDisplay
 This control will either display content using the defined editor just as the Display does or edit using the defined editor. The GetState method on the ControlPanel determines wether the content should be displayed or edited. More...
class  FieldSet
 A fieldset container control with legend. More...
class  FileSelector
 An input box that can be updated with the url to a file through a popup window. More...
class  FreeTextArea
 A wrapper for the tinyMCE free text editor (). More...
class  HasValue
 Hides it's contents if the given property has no value or is empty string. More...
class  H1
class  H2
class  H3
class  H4
class  H5
class  H6
class  Hn
class  Hr
 A horizontal ruler. More...
interface  IEditableEditor
interface  IItemEditor
 Classes implementing this interface can serve as item editors. More...
class  ItemDataSource
 Provides content items to data bound control. It also serves as a hierarchical data source. More...
class  ItemEditor
 A form that generates an edit interface for content items. More...
class  ItemEditorList
class  ItemSelector
 An input box that can be updated with a page selected through a popup window. More...
class  Li
class  NameEditor
 A webcontrol that pulls out the page title and transforms it into a web-compatible name that can be used in url's. More...
class  OptionsMenu
 This control is used in the edit interface and needs additional styling if it's to be used somewhere else. More...
class  RawUrlForm
 Renders Request.RawUrl instead of the standard action attribute. This is useful to maintain the firnedly url upon postback. More...
class  Repeater
class  SimpleTemplateContainer
 Used by the display control to instantiate templates. More...
class  SlidingCurtain
class  StyleSheet
class  TabPanel
 A panel that is made into a tab panel throgh jquery client side scripting. More...
class  Tree
class  TreeNode
class  Ul
class  UrlSelector
 An input box that can be updated with the url from the file selector popup in edit mode. More...
class  Zone
 Adds sub-items with a certain zone name to a page. More...
class  ZoneSelector
 A drop down list that allows selection between available zones on the parent item. More...


enum  ControlPanelState {
  Unknown = 0, Hidden = 1, Visible = 2, Editing = 4,
  DragDrop = 8, Previewing = 16

Display state for the control panel.

enum  ItemEditorVersioningMode { SaveOnly, VersionAndSave, VersionOnly, SaveAsMaster }

Defines how versioning should be handled when saving an item.

enum  UrlRelativityMode { Absolute = 0, Application = 1 }

Defines whether the managementUrls should be app- or server relative.

enum  UrlSelectorMode { Files = 1, Items = 2, All = 3 }

Defines what kinds of managementUrls can be selected.


Enumeration Type Documentation

Display state for the control panel.


Who knows.


The control panel is hidden (e.g. the user is not an editor).


The control panel is visible displaying a page normally.


The control panel is displayed while editing the page in place.


The control panel is displayed during drag and drop of parts.


The control panel is displayed whlie previewing an item version.

Definition at line 9 of file ControlPanelState.cs.

Defines how versioning should be handled when saving an item.


Saves the item without creating a version.


Saves a version before updating the item and saving it.


Updates and saves a version without updating the item.


Saves an unpublished version as the master version.

Definition at line 10 of file ItemEditorSavingMode.cs.

Defines whether the managementUrls should be app- or server relative.


Server relative managementUrls, i.e. /myapp/upload/myfile.gif.


Application relative managementUrls, i.e. ~/upload/myfile.gif.

Definition at line 6 of file UrlRelativityMode.cs.

Defines what kinds of managementUrls can be selected.


Only files.


Only content items.


Both files and content items.

Definition at line 10 of file UrlSelectorMode.cs.