Packages | Classes

Package N2.Plugin


package  Scheduling


class  AutoInitializeAttribute
 Marks a plugin initializer as eligible for auto initialization. More...
interface  IAutoStart
 Informs the IServiceContainer that a component should be started through the start method and stopped through the stop method. More...
class  InitializerCreatingAttribute
 Base class for attributes which can create an instance of the plugin initializer and execute it. More...
interface  IPlugin
 Interface denoting plug-in attributes that are displayed throughout the editing interface. More...
interface  IPluginBootstrapper
 Finds plugins and calls their initializer. More...
interface  IPluginDefinition
 Classes implementing this interface define plugins and are responsible of calling plugin initializers. More...
interface  IPluginFinder
interface  IPluginInitializer
 Classes implementing this interface can serve as plug in initializers. If one of these classes is referenced by a PlugInAttribute it's initialize methods will be invoked by the N2 factory during initialization. More...
class  PluginAttribute
 Use this attribute to denote plugins and reference a plugin initializer that is invoked when the factory is started. More...
class  PluginBootstrapper
 Finds plugins and calls their initializer. More...
class  PluginFinder
 Investigates the execution environment to find plugins. More...
class  PluginInitializationException