Packages | Classes | Enumerations

Package N2.Persistence


package  Finder
package  NH
package  Proxying
package  Serialization


class  ContentDependencyInjector
 Injects dependencies onto content items as they are created. More...
class  DoNotCopyAttribute
 Used to mark that should not be copied. More...
class  EntityDependencySetter-g
class  GenericFind-g
 Facade for finding and querying items. More...
interface  IActiveContent
 Content items implementing this interface are responsible for their own persistence. More...
interface  IDependencySetter
 Fulfils the dependency of an object. This class is used by the ContentDependencyInjector. More...
interface  IDependentEntity-g
 Sets a dependency on a loaded entity. More...
interface  IItemNotifier
 Brokers items loaded from the database to whoever might want to know they were loaded. This is somewhat different from items which are caught through the IPersister load event since this will also be invoked when new items are created and when items are lazily loaded e.g. through the children collection. More...
interface  IPersister
 Represents a class responsible for (database) persistence of content items and details therof. More...
interface  IRepository-g
 The repository is a single point for database operations. All persistence operations on database should pass through here. More...
class  ItemNotifier
 Brokers items loaded from the database to whoever might want to know they were loaded. This is somewhat different from items which are caught through the IPersister load event since this will also be invoked when new items are created and when items are lazily loaded e.g. through the children collection. More...
interface  ITransaction
 Classes implementing this interface handle starting and stopping of database transactions. More...
interface  IUpdatable-g
 Used by the versioning manager to ask the master version of a content item to update it's data to another version. More...
interface  IVersionManager
 Classes implementing this interface can store and restore versions of items. More...
class  NotifiableItemEventArgs
 Event argument used by IItemNotifier to notify about changes during interception. More...
class  NotVersionableAttribute
 When used to decorate a content class this attribute tells the edit manager not to store versions of items of that class. More...
class  Parameter
class  PersistableAttribute
 Instructs the database mapping to generate store the property in a additional column with the same name in the n2item table. Adding this attribute to an existing system requires the database to be updated. More...
class  VersionManager
 Handles saving and restoring versions of items. More...


enum  Comparison {
  Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, LessThan,
  GreaterOrEqual, LessOrEqual, Like, NotLike
enum  PropertyPersistenceLocation { Detail, Column, Ignore }

Instructs the system on where to store a property.


Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 7 of file Comparison.cs.

Instructs the system on where to store a property.


Auto-implemented virtual properties will be intercepted and stored as details. Other properties are ignored.


The property is stored in the item table. This option requires the database schema to be updated.


The property is untouched. The getter and setter implementations can choose to store as details.

Definition at line 11 of file PropertyPersistenceLocation.cs.