Packages | Classes | Enumerations

Package N2.Definitions


package  Static


class  AbstractDefinition
 Generalizes features shared by PartDefinitionAttribute and PageDefinitionAttribute. More...
class  AbstractDefinitionRefiner
 Base class providing sorting capabilities to refiner attributes. More...
class  AttributeExplorer
 Finds uniquely named attributes on a type. Attributes defined on the class must have their name attribute set, and attributes defined on a property their name set to the property's name. More...
class  DefinitionBuilder
 Inspects available types in the AppDomain and builds item definitions. More...
class  DefinitionManager
 Stores item definitions and constructs new items. More...
class  DisableAttribute
 Disables a definition removing it from lists when choosing new items. Existing items will not be affaceted. More...
class  EditableHierarchyBuilder
 Adds editables and containers to containers. More...
class  EditorContainerAttribute
 Attribute classes assignable from the EditorContainerAttribute are responsible for defining and creating container controls on which editors can be added. More...
interface  ICommentable
 Marks an item that can be commented. More...
interface  IContainable
 Classes implementing this interface can add a graphical representation to a control hierarchy. More...
interface  IContentPage
 Marks a page containing text content. More...
interface  IDefinitionManager
 Classes implementing this interface are responsible for item definitions used throughout the application to query the properties of a certain item. More...
interface  IDefinitionManagerDependency
 An interface used by N2 to inject content item's dependency to the definition manager (needed by the definition property). More...
interface  IDefinitionRefiner
 Attributes implementing this interface can alter item definitions while they are beeing initiated. More...
interface  IEditable
 Attributes implementing this interface defines editors of a content item. The interface defines methods to add editor controls to a web form and updating items with their values. More...
interface  IEditableContainer
interface  IFeed
 Items implementing this interface provide feed meta data and syndicated items. More...
interface  IInheritableDefinitionRefiner
 Attributes implementing this interface can alter item definitions while they are beeing initiated. All classes in the inheritance chain are queried for this interface when refining the definition. More...
interface  IPage
 Marker interface used to denote pages. This interface allows collaboration between modules that doesn't know about each other. More...
interface  IPart
 Marker interface used to denote parts. This interface allows collaboration between modules that doesn't know about each other. More...
interface  IRootPage
interface  ISortableRefiner
 Base interface for refiners. More...
interface  IStartPage
 Marks a content item considered to be a start page. This interface can be used for allowed parent/child relationships. More...
interface  IStructuralPage
 Interface used to denote pages that can have children. This interface allows collaboration between modules that doesn't know about each other. Classes implementing this interface are eligeble for having child pages. More...
interface  ISyndicatable
 Marks an item that is available for syndication. More...
class  ItemAuthorizedRolesAttribute
 This class is used to restrict access to item types in edit mode. Only allowed roles can create new items decorated with this attribute. More...
class  ItemDefinition
 Represents the definition of a content item. Expose reflected information a types attributes. More...
interface  IUniquelyNamed
 Classes implementing this interface have a name that must be unique within the a certain scope. More...
class  NoItemAllowedException
 This exception is thrown when trying to adding an item to a parent that doesn't support any types of child items. More...
class  NotAllowedParentException
 This exceptions is thrown when trying to add an item to an unsupported parent item. More...
class  RefineOrder
 Sort orders used by ISortableRefiner.
class  RemoveDefinitionsAttribute
 Disables an item definition. Can be used to create a better implementation of a definition in an existing solution. More...
class  RemoveEditableAttribute
 Removes details from a content item. This can be used to modify editables on external components whose code you don't control. More...
class  ReplaceDefinitionsAttribute
class  ReplacesParentDefinitionAttribute
 Replaces the parent item definition with the one decorated by this attribute. This can be used to disable and replace items in external class libraries. More...
class  RootContainer
 Used as root container when retrieving editable attributes and editor containers. More...
class  SortChildrenAttribute
 Controls the order of children added to items decorated with this attribute. More...
class  ThrowableAttribute
 When used on an item definition this attribute can prevent it from beeing moved to trash upon deletion. More...
class  VersionableAttribute
 When used to decorate a content class this attribute can tell the edit manager not to store versions of items of that class. More...


enum  DefinitionReplacementMode { Disable, Remove }

Hints whether the definition should be removed or just disabled. Removing it might cause error if there is already created items, e.g. lying around in the trash but allows for replacing the definition with a new one that overrides already created items (they need to use the same discriminator).

enum  SortBy {
  Title, Published, Updated, PublishedDescending,
  UpdatedDescending, Expression, CurrentOrder, Unordered

The order children are sorted.

enum  AllowInTrash { Yes, No }

Whether an item can be stored in the trash can. Default is Yes.

enum  AllowVersions { Yes, No }

Whether versions are allowed.


Enumeration Type Documentation

Whether an item can be stored in the trash can. Default is Yes.


Definition at line 11 of file ThrowableAttribute.cs.

Whether versions are allowed.


Definition at line 11 of file VersionableAttribute.cs.

Hints whether the definition should be removed or just disabled. Removing it might cause error if there is already created items, e.g. lying around in the trash but allows for replacing the definition with a new one that overrides already created items (they need to use the same discriminator).


Definition at line 9 of file DefinitionReplacementMode.cs.

The order children are sorted.


Children are re-ordered by title in alphabetical ascending order.


Children are re-ordered by published date in ascending order.


Children are re-ordered by changed date in ascending order.


Children are re-ordered by published date in descending order.


Children are re-ordered by changed date in descending order.


Children are re-ordered by an expression, e.g. "Title DESC".


Children are given an ascending sort index in the order they appear in the children collection. This typically means new children are appended last.


Do not reorder children, children appears in sort order but this order is not altered. This can improve performance with large numbers of children.

Definition at line 12 of file SortChildrenAttribute.cs.